Gaze Me Gaze You
2 channel Videos face to face, video player, video wall controller, 3분8초 반복 재생, 2025

AI가 만들어 낸 두 남녀가 서로 응시하며 느끼는 감정을 AI를 이용해 시적인 문장으로 표현하였다. 
영혼과 감성을 울리는 두 시선이 마주하며 일어날 법한 감성의 교류를 인간이 아닌 AI데이터로 말하게 하였다. 
제법 어울리는 표현들이지만 나라면 어떻게 할지 고민하게 만든다.
The emotions felt by two individuals, created by AI, as they gaze into each other's eyes have been expressed through poetic language generated by AI itself. 
In this moment of connection, where their souls and feelings resonate, the exchange of emotions unfolds—articulated not by humans but through the data of artificial intelligence. 
While the expressions seem fitting, they leave me pondering how I would articulate such sentiments myself.
Media Art Exhibition <In-fluence>, AZIT Museum, Seoul, 2024
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