Digital Media Artist
unzi, KIM born in South Korea in 1960.
He has lived in Paris during 15 years and currently works in Seoul, Korea.
He is a Professor in Art & Technology of Graduate School of Advanced Imaging Science, Multimedia & Film
at Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea
프랑스로 도불(85년)하여 회화를 비롯한 여러 장르를 경험하면서 멀티미디어아트로 파리국립미술학교와 CNAM을 졸업하였다.
프랑스에서 미디어아트 작가로 활동하였고, 2000 년 귀국하여 작가로서 활동하고 있다.
2009인천국제디지털 아트 페스티벌의 총감독을 비롯하여, 다양한 미디어아트 및 영상 전시 기획자이며,
또한 20회의 개인전 100여회의 단체전, 30여개의 공연예술의 영상감독과 총감독을 하였다.
중앙대학교 첨단영상대학원 예술공학 전공 교수이며 학술상(2006), 연구상(2010)을 수상하였으며,
과학기술부에서 수여하는 2009 과학문화상 (융합문화 부문)을 수상하였다.
2013년에는 연구원들과 함께 Ars Electronica에서 “The Half”라는 작품으로 디지털 음악과 인터렉션 분야에 선정되었다.
He entered the physics department of the Yonsei University School of Science in 1979 and worked as a photo journalist for Yonsei University.
so he fell in love with photography, literature, art, and went to France (1985).
He entered the Painting Department of the National School of Art in Paris (1986) and graduated with multimedia arts (DNSAP 1991).
At the same time as his graduation, he held "Ombre & son" an installation exhibition in the Gallery of Paris National School of Art in a solo exhibition sponsored by the school (1991).
As a starter in painting, deformation, abstract, lyrical abstract, conceptual art, light art, kinetic art, sound art, and video art, he has devoted himself to the artist's activities in France.
He has participated in group exhibition at arts centers, such as 'Asian avant-garde' held at the Christie Auction exhibition, starting with the exhibition of 'Mont-rouge Salon', worked as a resident of the Arsenal(Sonamu).
He has also been named one of the young promising artists in Figaro (1996, Le Figaro). "Mono-logue", Media Installation Solo Exhibition (97) was held at the Baek-Sang Art Museum, which gave young artists a chance to turn their attention to media work.
In 1997, when he was involved in Kinetic video installation and 3D video art,
He held a solo exhibition of "Dark Day Dream" (99) at the Gana -Beaubourg Gallery, behind the Pompidou Center in Paris.
He entered Conservtoire National Art et Metier, Computer Science and Information Technology Graduate School and received DEA (2001) as a major in Multimedia Application Concept (CAM).
He held his solo exhibition "Réalité virtuelle" at Sungkok Art Museum and participated in a group exhibition including Media City, and held solo exhibitions such as "centrifugal.centripetal" (2001), "Métissage" (2005), "I'm the Light" (2008) "(2010)" One Pixel Life "(2011). He curated 2010 SBS Tommorow Festival and Projection Mapping in the Park Omok, 'Fountain', 2011 'Gyeongju Cultural Expo Tower'.
He returned to Korea in 2000 and worked as a resident writer for two years at Uni-dong Samsung Atelier.
Also worked as the director of the Incheon International Digital Art Festival 2009, as well as a diverse media art and image exhibition planner, worked as a video director and general director while participated in more than 20 performing arts.
In 2009, he received Ph.D in media art from Soongsil University.
He was awarded Academy Award (2006), the Research Award (2010) and won the 2009 Science and Culture Prize (fusion culture division) awarded by the Ministry of Science and Technology .
As a digital interactive media artist, he is currently engaged in creative activities such as exhibitions, performances, digital environment modeling, and total arts, as well as fostering postgraduate studies.